Weatherproofing for Success
Weatherproofing is a concept that encompasses the entire exterior of a structure from the rooftop to below grade. There are several different trade skill sets that must be understood and considered for the successful design of a weatherproofing system.
If all the substrates are not addressed, then the entire system can be compromised by moisture intruding through an untreated area. All possible leak points must be examined and included in the final weatherproofing design.
We Stop Buildings From Leaking
Our unique, yet uncomplicated approach can only be implemented after the initial construction and spot repairs by subcontractors called back under warranty provisions has ended. Building owners or managers still experiencing moisture intrusion are left seeking help in identifying problem areas and designing a long term solution.
Our Customers Know the Difference
Shield Coatings has been designing weatherproofing systems since 1974. Most of our work is performed directly with building owners as a prime contractor. General contractors and property managers make up the balance of our customer base.
Single-Source Responsibility
With the Shield team on your side you can expect a complete weatherproofing system design/installation that integrates all exterior building components, provides a leak-free environment, and a single-source warranty.
Contact us to utilize our services for your weatherproofing work. We are available to tackle weatherproofing system issues for clients throughout central Florida.